Xion Audio Player

Remember Song Location

General Discussion about Xion Audio Player

Postby dhall419 » May 10th, 2013, 11:59 am

I have been using Xion for my music player, to listen to audio books, and it would come up where I was at the last time I had listen to the book. I upgraded to 1.5 and cannot find where to set that option. It will remember the track, but it starts at the first of it, not where I was. I uninstalled 1.5 and went back to 1.0 and it still does not remember. I even loaded 1.0 on a new computer and it does not remember on it either, so I know there is just a setting that I cannot find.
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Postby Lance » May 11th, 2013, 2:50 am

Hey. In 1.5 under the Settings tab, check 'Restore play mode on Startup'
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Postby dhall419 » May 11th, 2013, 7:30 am

That is what I thought, but have it checked in both versions and it still don't go back to the correct place.
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