Xion Audio Player

Playlist - Current Playing indicator

Skinning Questions, Suggestions and Ideas

Postby burnsplayguitar » September 24th, 2014, 11:14 am

Hi guys.

my first topic here, so take it easy ;)

How can i change the highlighted indicator on playlist?
and another little thing. Is is impossible use different tags on the same line?
like in preview, the track title on main window would be "[why Georgia] by [John Mayer]". I don't use two lines to define that

Thanks in advance.

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Postby HAMMAN Disign » October 12th, 2014, 9:07 am

1) The indicator does not change, we can only cover a vertical strip if it is not needed at all!
2) At the expense of the tag did not quite understand. English is not my native language. If you want to see only the name of the artist or just the name of the track in the list of the playlist, it is not possible! If you need more extensive information about the track on the top line of information, it is possible.

Track Title display 1.0.56
Displays the current song's Title

Keyword: track

Additional Track Title Keywords:
title - Forces the display of just the title. E.g: 'track title'. Can be used in combination with other Track Title Keywords
artist - Forces the display of just the artist. E.g: 'track artist'. Can be used in combination with other Track Title Keywords
album - Forces the display of just the album. E.g: 'track album'. Can be used in combination with other Track Title Keywords
year - Forces the display of just the year. E.g: 'track year'. Can be used in combination with other Track Title Keywords
genre - Forces the display of just the genre. E.g: 'track genre'. Can be used in combination with other Track Title Keywords
comment - Forces the display of just the comment. E.g: 'track comment'. Can be used in combination with other Track Title Keywords
number - Forces the display of just the number. E.g: 'track number'. Can be used in combination with other Track Title Keywords (version: 1.0.89)

Additional Modifier Keywords:
fs(x) - Font Size. Valid ranges are between 1 and 999. (default is 12)
fn(x) - Font Name. Maximum font name size of 256. (default is MS Shell Dlg). If you include a .ttf in your skin pack, it will get dynamically loaded so that you don't need to worry about end users having a font installed.
fb(x) - Font Bold. Whether bold or not, true or false (default is false)
fa(x) - Font Align. Values are left, right, center (default is left)
fu(x) - Font Underline. Whether Underlined or not, true or false (default is false)
fst(x) - Font Strikethrough. Whether Strikethrough or not, true or false (default is false)
fi(x) - Font Italic. Whether Italic or not, true or false (default is false)
faa(x) - Font AntiAliasing. 0 = Windows Default, 1 = AntiAliased, 2 = Non AntiAliased, 3 = ClearType (default is 0) (version: 1.0.82)
pp(x) - Prepend text to a text layer. Replace x with the text you want to prepend to a text layer. Eg: bitrate pp(kbps: )
ap(x) - Append text to a text layer. Replace x with the text you want to append to a text layer. Eg: bitrate ap( kbps)
tct(x) - Text case transform. Values are upper, lower, normal (default is normal) (version 1.0.106)
flipy - Draws the Text flipped vertically (version 1.0.118)
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Postby burnsplayguitar » October 28th, 2014, 7:27 am

Thank you Hamman

sad about indicator haha

about the text tag is on the main window, above from progress bar
i'd like to use "title" + "artist" tags on same line
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