Xion Audio Player

[fixed: 65] Few issues

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Postby Nightbreed » November 1st, 2006, 6:50 am

There's a few issues with the player that's kind of bugging me.
1. Openning a folder to play in Xion doesn't do anything. Technically, doing so should replace the current playlist with the files of said folder and play those files.

2. Dragging and dropping a song to the player doesn't play the song. This is really annoying and I tend to just use Winamp or wmp11 because of this

The playlist should either have the option of add or replace when doing file actions. Either on the right click menu or the player's options.

3. Can Xion be made to close the gap a bit between songs?
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Postby SLoB » November 1st, 2006, 8:02 am

yea ditto on those, i was gonna raise the very same things Nightbreed as i play a lot of networked mp3s the last song stays even tho the pl is empty and adding a new folder does not start playing the 1st song in the list

altho 3 i think will be solved with cross fade when thats implemented?

this is functionality found in other players which users have come to expect from a media player so im sure Cliff will sort it out :)
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Postby Cliff Cawley » December 30th, 2006, 11:04 pm

Nightbreed Wrote:There's a few issues with the player that's kind of bugging me.
1. Openning a folder to play in Xion doesn't do anything. Technically, doing so should replace the current playlist with the files of said folder and play those files.

Support for this has now been added. It was a decision I made a while ago to just add everything to the playlist, but after several requests for this, I've changed the way it works so that it will now clear the list and start playing the first file.

Nightbreed Wrote:2. Dragging and dropping a song to the player doesn't play the song. This is really annoying and I tend to just use Winamp or wmp11 because of this

As with above I've now changed the way this works so that instead of adding to the playlist, it will clear the playlist add whatever songs you dropped and start playing the first of them.

Nightbreed Wrote:3. Can Xion be made to close the gap a bit between songs?

Xion does currently support gapless playback, but your mp3's will have to be trimmed correctly for this to work. What you are asking for, I believe is Crossfading, and yes I do hope to add this in an upcoming version.

The other requests here are all done and will be available in build 65.

Cliff :)
Cliff Cawley
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