Xion Audio Player

[fiixed: 84] Track name stuck on Buffering(xx%)

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Postby SLoB » April 25th, 2007, 10:28 pm

Cliff a couple of small things noted
track name stuck on Buffering(xx%) (approx 78% never to 100%) on streaming mp3 - for example http://www.brettgarsed.com/audio/horn.mp3 but any mp3 seems to do it

BitRate at 0 (zero) for streaming mp3 or radio station, yet frequency works, (bitrate seems to be working fine for local,cd)

--on works pc
cpu usage seems to be higher on local mp3/4 track than cd or net track, the skin has indi_local, indi_web, indi_cd layers
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Postby Cliff Cawley » August 12th, 2007, 11:46 pm

SLoB Wrote:Cliff a couple of small things noted
track name stuck on Buffering(xx%) (approx 78% never to 100%) on streaming mp3 - for example http://www.brettgarsed.com/audio/horn.mp3 but any mp3 seems to do it

BitRate at 0 (zero) for streaming mp3 or radio station, yet frequency works, (bitrate seems to be working fine for local,cd)

--on works pc
cpu usage seems to be higher on local mp3/4 track than cd or net track, the skin has indi_local, indi_web, indi_cd layers

I've fixed the buffering problem. Please put the other 2 bugs in as separate posts so that I can mark them as fixed later.

Cliff :)
Cliff Cawley
Creator of Xion
r2 Studios
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Cliff Cawley
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