Xion Audio Player

[fixed] ToolTips

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Postby SLoB » October 3rd, 2006, 7:24 am

is it possible to add a tooltip to a custom button, we have the ability to add button for custom tasks and it would be nice for the user to know what the button does with the tooltip, altho part of the fun with new skins is pressing the buttons to see wot it does ;)
also no tooltips on the sliderbits with relation to the sliders, not sure if thats a bug or feature (missing?) ;)
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Postby Cliff Cawley » October 6th, 2006, 10:21 pm

SLoB Wrote:is it possible to add a tooltip to a custom button, we have the ability to add button for custom tasks and it would be nice for the user to know what the button does with the tooltip, altho part of the fun with new skins is pressing the buttons to see wot it does ;)

Done! I've added a new layer keyword called 'tooltip'. You use it as follows:
tooltip(Make Coffee)

You can add this keyword to almost any layer you want. Xion will create a tooltip for it. It doesn't even have to be on a button, it can be on a static layer too. I wouldn't go overboard with it, but you will now have the power to add tooltips anywhere you like :)

SLoB Wrote:also no tooltips on the sliderbits with relation to the sliders, not sure if thats a bug or feature (missing?)

Fixed :)
Cliff Cawley
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Postby SLoB » October 6th, 2006, 10:37 pm

yay thanks Cliff, will you also update the reference page with all the goodies coming too?

have you got a date in mind for the next release or too overwhelmed to even contemplate a ballpark date atm(what with all the featurerequests/bugs)? :)
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Postby Cliff Cawley » October 7th, 2006, 8:34 am

I will include release notes with the next Beta build so you can see what is new. I was hoping to release a Beta build soon and continue working on adding new feautures and fixing bugs.

Now you just have to figure out what soon means ;)

Cliff :)
Cliff Cawley
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