Xion Audio Player

[fixed: 87] extended volume sliders...

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Postby OfficerMike07 » October 11th, 2007, 12:45 pm

I'm working on a skin and I have a circular layer that I've given the "volumelr" attribute. As I hadn't put in a mute button yet, my first instinct when the phone rang was to click and drag quickly to the left... I discovered that if I drag left past the 0% spot, it'll go back up towards 100%. Same goes for the "volumebt" slider as well. Dragging past 100% doesn't make it go back down toward 0% though.
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Postby Cliff Cawley » January 27th, 2008, 5:28 pm

OfficerMike07 Wrote:I'm working on a skin and I have a circular layer that I've given the "volumelr" attribute. As I hadn't put in a mute button yet, my first instinct when the phone rang was to click and drag quickly to the left... I discovered that if I drag left past the 0% spot, it'll go back up towards 100%. Same goes for the "volumebt" slider as well. Dragging past 100% doesn't make it go back down toward 0% though.

Thanks for the report, this has been fixed in a previous build, which I couldn't remember, but it will work in at least build 87 :)

Cliff :)
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