Xion Audio Player

[added: 69] mp3 meta data

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Postby SLoB » October 4th, 2006, 8:44 pm

is it possible to add to the songticker tags such as (year), (album), (artist) etc... so we could display the info on seperate lines etc..
as a side note on this, it should then be possible to display the info on the same line using a delay and switch layer, this would be cool :)
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Postby Cliff Cawley » October 5th, 2006, 11:13 pm

I'll have to see what I can do about this.

Feature requests are coming thick and fast at the moment, I need to catch up quick!

Cliff :)
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Postby Cliff Cawley » February 3rd, 2007, 10:27 am

SLoB Wrote:is it possible to add to the songticker tags such as (year), (album), (artist) etc... so we could display the info on seperate lines etc..
as a side note on this, it should then be possible to display the info on the same line using a delay and switch layer, this would be cool :)

You can now find this feature in build 69!

Cliff :)
Cliff Cawley
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