Xion Audio Player

[added: 59] windows states

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Postby PK » October 5th, 2006, 5:37 pm

Two feature requests:

1) What about an option (can be in the rightclick menu, doesn't need to be skinnable) to toggle between: set always to top, behave as normal window and always on bottom / set to desktop.

2) And what about a "random song" button that will play a random song independent of the fact if "randomize" is enabled or not. Foobar has something like this, works great Smile
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Postby Cliff Cawley » October 5th, 2006, 10:49 pm

Thanks PK,

I'll let you know when they are in.

Cliff :)
Cliff Cawley
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Postby Cliff Cawley » October 7th, 2006, 7:51 pm

Both are now in and ready for the next Release

Cliff :)
Cliff Cawley
Creator of Xion
r2 Studios
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Cliff Cawley
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