Xion Audio Player

[already feature] Slightly change default track title format

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Postby pickle » May 14th, 2008, 8:49 am

I think it'd be a good idea to slightly change the default track title format so that the dash between the artist & title only appear if both the artist and title ID3 fields are populated.

I tried my hand at it & came up with this:


However, the ' - ' still shows up if there is an artist, but no title. I'm not sure why. If this isn't something Cliff thinks he wants to put in, that's fine - but could I then get some help doing it for myself?

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Postby Cliff Cawley » May 14th, 2008, 6:25 pm

pickle Wrote:I think it'd be a good idea to slightly change the default track title format so that the dash between the artist & title only appear if both the artist and title ID3 fields are populated.

I tried my hand at it & came up with this:


However, the ' - ' still shows up if there is an artist, but no title. I'm not sure why. If this isn't something Cliff thinks he wants to put in, that's fine - but could I then get some help doing it for myself?


I've actually already done what you describe by default. Its possible you still have an old format string.

In order to reset to the default, clear the entire string and Xion will replace it with the default.

The default which automatically removes the - when there is no artist or no title is the following:

Code: Select All Code

Hope that helps

Cliff :)
Cliff Cawley
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Postby pickle » May 15th, 2008, 2:01 am

Boy, I'm 0/2 lately.

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