Firstly, the track name. I like the automatic scrolling, but it would be nice to be able to click and drag to scroll the titles like you can with winamp. Or, perhaps an option in the settings to control the scroll speed.
Secondly, I tried to explain "nested animations" a while back. I think I have a simple example to explain this now. You have a slider with a sliderbit, but what I would like is to be able to have the slider bit have its own animation. For example, a volume slider with the sliderbit slowly blinking. The way I see this happening would be to perhaps create a new animtype to set the animation as a sliderbit? And then just place that set in the position you would normaly place a sliderbit.
Next is something that could be a little tricky but perhaps not. When you ajust a volume slider, I think it would be nice if the vu meters actual ajusted their maximum size accordingly. So if you lower the volume, the vumeter would alter its size according to the % of the actual volume. This would also apply to volume anim sets too, basing the amount of frames to use on the volume %. Also, to completely turn off the vu meters when mute is enabled.
Based on the above suggestion being implemented, this could also work for speaker ballance too, ajusting the left/right vu meter size according to speaker ballance.
I think that's it for now. I realize they are all visual suggestions, but I think anything that enhances the visual experience is worth considering when audio skins are concerned.
Thanks for reading!

Peace, Lance