Xion Audio Player

How do you change font size ?

Tips, Tricks and Techniques for creating amazing Xion skins

Postby djdale » February 4th, 2010, 7:22 am

Hello all, I'm new to skinning Xion and unfortunately there are not many tutorials to cover many aspects of what you can do, and how. Can someone PLEASE tell me how to change font and size for things like when setting up the track info. Any help would GREATLY be appreciated.

Thanks in advance =D>
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Postby xonenine » February 4th, 2010, 7:28 am

Code: Select All Code
fs(12) fn(yourfont) fa(center)

Font size, font name, font align.All the possible options/values can be found on the help page in the Layer Keyword Reference chart, to see other possibilities.

Have fun, xonenine. :)
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Postby djdale » February 4th, 2010, 7:43 am

Thanks for the prompt reply. I have that page open and it's always open when I'm making these skins. At the risk of sounding dumb :oops: does that code go into the layer name ? For instance I made my track layer and called it "track fs 48" and the font is still super tiny. I've tried making it all one word (no spaces) and still no change. Still at a loss.
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Postby djdale » February 4th, 2010, 7:56 am

I checked the structure of another skin and found what I was looking for. No space between the fs and the number in parenthesis. Now, I might be able to finish my latest project...lol

Thanks for the help
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Postby lewa » February 4th, 2010, 12:37 pm

Yes yes the code goes in the layer name!

For example, for a string of text that shows the track, with the font centered and at size 16, name the layer:
Code: Select All Code
track fs(16) fa(center)

fn(x) is used for font name, e.g. fn(Agency FB)

EDIT: Oops, you figured it out, heh :oops:
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