r2 Studios Server -> http://www.r2.com.au/downloads/files/xion_v1.0b100.exe
Xion Server -> http://xion.r2.com.au/download/xion_v1.0b100.exe
Download Portable Version:
r2 Studios Server -> http://www.r2.com.au/downloads/files/xion_v1.0b100.zip
Xion Server -> http://xion.r2.com.au/download/xion_v1.0b100.zip
Changelist from build 95 to build 100:
- Update G15 LCD control to use notification to show when its started
- Re-arrange Artist/Title on the main screen
- Fix VuMeter animations 9, 10, 11 freezing on last frame and flickering on first frame
- Removed the Station name from the end of the track title until tag formatting is enabled again
- Fix Library->Playlist integration so that you can once again load playlists
- Fix Library highlight colours
- Re-Add support for Track Title format
- Give the playlist window focus when using the Open File keyboard global shortcut
- Fix update of Radio Streams and ensure we get HTTP if no ICY data is available
- Fix the Radio tags for OGG radio stations
- Modify how Radio State is displayed
- Ensure that Radio Tags obey user formatting
- Modify Default Tag string so that - is added/removed depending on if a Title/Artist exists or not (Users will need to manually clear this field in order to reset to default)
- Add a separate window for vieweing Radio/Net Stream information when viewing its properties, instead of making it look like it has standard tag information that you can save and remove
- Fix kbps reading for netstreams that don't report it from the server
- Modify Sorting for all lists, so that we use Natural Sort order instead of Ascii Sort order
- Tweak the natural sorting to elevate numbers above values. Test now seems to be 100% similar to Explorer sorting
- Tweak Natural sorting algorithm to ignore no alphanumeric and numeric characters when comparing, and continue on to the next character
- Add Tab Control to the Skin Browser window
- Move the View all skins to the far left
- Make the View all button disable/enable instead if show/hide when available
- Allow Animation frames to inherit more properties from the main Animation Layer set, such as moveable
- Add the ability to Reset animation Types 1 and 2 using the new action_anim_reset or acanrset keywords
- Add the ability to trigger a button object (as though someone had clicked on it) using the new action_object_trigger and acobtrig keywords
- Fix bug with animtype 1 and 2 where the last frame action is triggered twice
- Add the ability for Animation Types 1 and 2 to reset playing when it has indi_active/indi_inactive assigned to itself and you give/take focus. This allows for animations when getting/losing focus
- Add support for trans_volumeb, trans_volumem and trans_volumet for Transparent Bass,Mid and Treble
- Add support for triggeron_songchange and trigonsc keywords. This basically allows you to automatically trigger a button, layer or animation when the song changes
- Fix the default size of the Skin Browser so that it shows two rows by default
- Fix Year and Track not being properly formatted in the Title Display
- Tweak the startup process when launching with files to help fix songs not starting immediately
- Fix File Locking so that when you stop a song, Xion completely unloads the file to allow deleting, etc
- Fix Radio streams being connected to, but stopped, when you start Xion; even when you've turned autoplay off
- Update BASS and BASS plugins to 2.4
- Ensure Xion scans up to 64k of data before declaring a file is invalid
- Fix Always On Top, now includes all windows and functions properly, not just 99% of the time
- When pasting a copied select in the playlist, paste it just after your current selection, otherwise at the end of the list - Thanks Kat!
- Remove extra OnTop options that are no longer applicable
- Fix crash in XionTags when you play a directory
- Fix FLAC files not loading when launched from explorer
- Fix parsing of m4a metadata
- Ensure that resetting an animation obeys the Paused keyword if its set - Thanks UnseenRage!
- Remove 'Default Windows Device' from the Output dropdown. Its not needed.
- Fix a lot of WebStream/Icy Radio issues
- Reactivate the ability to seek URL streams (i.e. not ICY streams) as they are downloading. Full seeking is available when download is complete
- SliderBit will now be invisible if you can't seek a stream
- Fix reading of tags from a URL stream (i.e. not ICY stream) as its being downloaded
- URL Stream will begin playing after its downloaded about 5 seconds worth of audio (and keep streaming the in background till its 100% downloaded)
- Fix parsing of WMA tags
- Fix If stream is paused and you press next, it won't play properly
- Fix Track time not being read for current loaded file when its in the NO_FILE state
- Fix playing a directory not working correctly when in Random mode
- Add balance_left and balance_right buttons for changing the balance by buttons
- Fix detection of Balance button as optimization killed it
- Add support for progress forward/rewind (progress_forward/progress_rewind)
- Add repeating to volume_increase/_decrease, progress_forward/_rewind and balance_left/_right so that you can hold down on the buttons with the mouse instead of constantly clicking
- Add support for Progress Forward/Rewind and Balance Left/Right to the Hotkeys
- Fix XionWindows hiding when they are visible but minimized. Instead they will now show first. This includes such windows as the playlist, library, etc
- Fix Toggling of Time text not working
- Fix parsing of Ogg streamed meta data