Xion Audio Player

Need some help

Skinning Questions, Suggestions and Ideas

Postby qtipextra » July 20th, 2012, 4:42 am

Hey guys, I have been in a long search for the best audio front end player for an In-Car PC. I want a nice size display, and only some simple features available. I finally found Xion and started skinning last night. I have found that it gives me the functionality and interface customization that I was looking for, which I am very happy about. However, I have a few questions.

First, I'm trying to make the playlist display larger (about half of the screen), and increase the font size.

I have increased the font size, but the lines in the playlist must be defined somewhere else, because it cuts off the fonts. How to I increase the playlist line item size to be scalable larger font sizes?

Also, how to I make my skin windows re-sizable? I would like to be able to allow a user to re-size the main player and the playlist window. What about making the skin auto-scale to fullscreen?

Also, is there a way to launch an external program from a button? I would love to be able to make "quick buttons" to other programs that I use on the CarPC.

Thanks for the great player and awesome skinnability features. I think this is exactly what I needed. I look forward to your assistance.
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Postby logokas » August 1st, 2012, 1:28 pm

You're one of the few people who want a full screen audio player.

I am one of those people who want such a thing too, and i was halfway through making one, but unfortunately lost my project files so I'd have to start from scratch again.

I'm not sure if playlist functionality is that good at this point, so it could be the feature you're after is nonexistant at this point.

As for skin windows, they are not resizable, that is simply not by design, because you are creating static RGB pixel data in photoshop, not vectors. However, you can scale the entire interface from the config to get something of a desired effect.

External program buttons are also a nonexistant feature, but bug Cliff enough, and he would probably implement them.

Unfortunately, things have been very quiet in the Xion Community. Cliff has not done an update in ages, and the most recent beta build isn't even public. It's looking a bit grim.

But it's good to see your choice was Xion, regardless. And if you need help, i can always lend a hand.
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Postby qtipextra » September 8th, 2012, 10:42 am

Thank you very much for the input. My "project" has pretty much come to a stand still right now, so I have not had a chance to get back to this post. I've been burnt out with research and am a bit frustrated with the lack of features that are available for an in-car PC all together, that offers the features that I require. I think that Xion is a great utility that may lead me to what I want for the audio player, but other limitations I am running into that are not related to Xion or the Audio Player in general.

Thanks again for your information, I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge your response earlier. If I ever start on this project again, I will be sure to let you know!
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