Hey Guys!
I'm new here.. so first: I rly love Xion! every feature is working, i like the new Skin, and most i like the good functionality on Windows Vista, sience i tested beta versions (the 1.0.100 had some problems by installing skins and filling the playlist)^^
now to my feature request:
sience a few days i'm using Trillian Astra. There's a feature to show the currently playing tracks on the notes of all Messenger services you're online with.
Trillian brings plugins for WMP and Winamp(i think), so they can talk with trillian.
But it seems like there's no possibility to let Xion "talking" with Trillian yet.
i would be very happy about that feature
i rly hoping my english is understandable, its not my motherlanguage
greetz by BangL