Beta Builds of Xion. These are builds that are not quite ready for Release, but need feedback and bug submissions in order to move it to Release Status
Well you know where I am Cliff if you need to get the skin sorted
I just can't believe it's gone on like this, I can appreciate that it happens though, not going through a great period myself for family reasons but still, communication is key even if nothing else is happening.
Awesome news! Lance delivered the new Xion default skin!
I'll be creating build 121 in about 12 hours or so and releasing it with the skin. There are 1 or 2 things that will need cleaning up before the Public Release (i.e. there are some non-functional vis buttons), but other than that it should be good to go!
dragoon I hope you don't wear out your Reload button
WinstonGFX Wrote:Cliff, you should release it as Build 121... let us regulars beta test it for like 6 hours, then when it's in the clear release it fully.
Well the skin still needs some work, so build 121 will be a preview of the final, almost complete skin, as well as have some other fixes.
If build 121 is stable and good and its been like that for a week, then I'll most likely release a public build as 122
shiny new beta! this made my day
new default skin is yummy
Reimplemented support for using a Windows hook for multimedia keyboard controls
I am truly grateful for this, but my multimedia keyboard didn't seem to behave any differently from 120, nor did my multimedia mouse.. I still set them manually in Global hotkeys which means I can only have one of the two... anything I am doing wrong?
cerberux Wrote:shiny new beta! this made my day new default skin is yummy
Reimplemented support for using a Windows hook for multimedia keyboard controls
I am truly grateful for this, but my multimedia keyboard didn't seem to behave any differently from 120, nor did my multimedia mouse.. I still set them manually in Global hotkeys which means I can only have one of the two... anything I am doing wrong?
You sure you installed the correct build? You posted this in the Build 120 forum? Might want to double check?