Beta Builds of Xion. These are builds that are not quite ready for Release, but need feedback and bug submissions in order to move it to Release Status
WARNING: This is a Beta Build. That means it has fixes and features that are NEW. It is also possible it has bugs that are NEW! If you are looking for stability, please don't expect this build to be perfectly stable. It may have issues. If on the other hand you are happy to try this build out and post any bugs back in this thread, then please do!
NOTE: Runtimes are now statically linked. You shouldn't need any external libraries! Let me know if it complains for you!
Updated the PSDReader to completely support loading groups of groups. You can now embed animations and groups in groups to your hearts content!
Added the new Xion icon into position 1 so that the windows shell will think the icon has changed and build us a new icon, without showing the old one that's in the IconCache.db
Force a ShellNotify if the Icon index for the FileType icons changes
Added nofadein, nofadeout, and nofade keywords so that you can control the fading when showing/hiding controls using the show/hide functions
Fixed crash on new installs when checking if we can refresh icons
Fixed a bug with loading/saving state when you loaded a pack, vs loading a single skin from the pack
Added complete support for Shared save state data. Shared data is auto saved when the xfer keyword is used in conjunction with the id() and svst
Fixed a crash if a borkerbk layer was specified, but not a borderT
Improved the meta data parsing from shoutcast and icycast servers
Added UTF8 parsing for Ogg stream tags (Fixed characters such as  showing up in some stream titles)
Added the ability to move up and down in the playlist by pressing up/down arrows while in the Search box
Forced the Search box to have focus when you show the Playlist window
Added the ability to quick search album, artist, title and genre in the Playlist. Consumes some more memory to do so
Modified the way that the Multimedia keys work, removing the need for the keys Hook DLL
Disabled the response of the Multimedia keys when you are assigning a Global Hotkey
If you find bugs specifically related to this build, please post them here instead of the Bug reporting forum. Any feedback positive or negative should also go in here, no new threads. This way all feedback, etc related to this build will be in the one place.
KNOWN ISSUES: The new Default skin's Vis Left/Right buttons aren't finished yet, so won't currently do anything. Also, the Playlist Title text won't resize with the playlist. This will need some more code changes to fix properly and will be ready for build 122.
There are no changes to the Default skin for this build, waiting on some changes from Lance.
There are however a bunch of fixes, including hopefully, the final fix for the Multimedia keys. Hopefully they should be working for everyone this time and hopefully I don't need to revisit them again!
Any questions or bugs related to this build should be posted here only!
Last edited by Cliff Cawley on October 17th, 2009, 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Xion didn't shut down fast enough, so the installer produced an error message. I think a proper shutdown detection should be written into the installer instead of just putting in a delay.
logokas Wrote:Xion didn't shut down fast enough, so the installer produced an error message. I think a proper shutdown detection should be written into the installer instead of just putting in a delay.
Rest needs to be tested.
Yup, I'll have to revisit it. I was using a third party plugin, so I might need to write my own to do the detection.
Venom Wrote:why is the playlist so fat and ugly ( the other one was very cool !!!
Fat and ugly.... Hmm, not exactly the constructie feedback I was hoping for. But I'll take this as perhaps the PL is a little bulky and could be trimmed in some spots. On that note, I can now add that this is already on my list as a few people have said it can be shaved. I agree, so this will come for the public release.
Thanks for your feedback non-the-less.
Peace, Lance
I made the Xion Default skin. Ask me questions and stuff.
Heh...he seems to have no problem saying he has a problem, but nothing towards helping us fix it.
But anyways, yeah, give Cliff some info. There's been a few people mention about media keys and such, always seems to be some kind of problem. I'm sure he'll get it fixed though. We don't bite, we just wanna make the best media player for the people. Whether that be correcting media keys or tweaking a fat ugly playlist
Peace, Lance
I made the Xion Default skin. Ask me questions and stuff.
hhhh......well....hi to everyone !...
......sorry for that short post with the had 1.20 and jumped to 1.22(because the Xion was sleeping and didn't notice there is an it usually does)...but,i also tryed 1.21....and i saw that there still is that....over-weight playlist ....and the keys still don't work......also...i didn't give details about the multi-media keys not working , because i can't make it anymore clearer...THE KEYS DON'T WORK !....why?..don't ask me...take it this come they work on 1.20??..and now not?....about the playlist....sorry for whoever designed it...but...the old one was way congratz for the old one!..thumbs down for changing it! least let us choose from the 2 of them...u's a prefference thing..some like shiny things...some like...u got the ideea.....
Logokas....being an Estonian u had to be the first one to have something to say about an onther nation no?
Cliff...respect !..and keep up the good work !
1)Microsoft MultiMedia Keyboard 1.1
2)All drivers installed!
3)XP SP 3
---sorry for my english...aftherall I'm Romanian...right logokas?
It's ok if u ask...i want to help you in any way i can! drivers(software) are from a CD.....and it installs IntelliType Pro 6.0.1(for kb) and IntelliPoint(for mouse)..and this is the exact picture
PS: I'm trying to update them...I'll come and post later if it works or not with 1.22 afther I update
RE:..updated the drivers the |<< and >>| keys work but only when the playlist is displayed....but it instead of going to the next track it skips it and plays next one....the play/pause and stop still don't work..well...back to 1.20