have fun, xonenine

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The xcopter is what I'm playing with while I think about my next skin. The console and render are just a mock up to fly it till I make new ones. Right now its just hovering on the desktop, but the finished version will have 360 degree rotation etc.
have fun, xonenine ![]()
a little later,,,
now the rotor has 2 speeds and it can change direction. There are different readouts available, and I like the way xcopter looks on the left, xion on the right needs changed.The indi_play bulb top center is ridiculously large. And to repaint the copter but thats last.Although the 3d program Im using allows you to drop lightmaps and environment maps right onto the model, so I had to start playing with the blades, they also flicker off the other parts of the model, rendering shadows and highlights, even w/o a bound shadow.Viewpoint is a great program for creating 3d and animations fast.btw the next real skin will be an attempt to make something like the resident evil logo rotating triangles... ![]()
Here's the copter in colors better suited to use in photoshop...,with a few model parts adjusted,changed the tail assembly to a boom stick type.Now the console has visualization performing as a 3rd screen/terrain map.I think it's time to open unrealed and start thinkin about using skyboxes and cinematic cutscenes in the skins.The toggle switches will be fun.
The console will work, now I'll devote a couple of hours to sizing and applying the right metal and glass textures to a copter, before I bother with the last step, animations.The animations entail the two rotor speeds, rotor direction, left and right 180's, a constant 360 scaled small and high, and an animation to land it on or inside the console. I suppose to preserve an appearance of continuity I'll have to make only certain animations available at the end of each animation, so that will be good practice. Have fun, xonenine
ok, now I'm lying to myself.I'm making an Unreal Tournament skin, object dock style, with a rectangular interface as a "mid mode".The dock will be a transparent HUD, ala the game, and the mid mode will be based on unreal editor, with a four pane modeling program look.
but I'll pretend I'm working on this... ![]()
well, in the words of Douglas Adams:
"The mattress was much impressed by this and realized that it was in the presence of a not unremarkable mind. It willomied along its entire length, sending excited little ripples through its shallow algae-covered pool." ![]() edit:sometimes I edit them... Last edited by xonenine on December 17th, 2009, 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Well, I think about this skin uncomfortably often, so I'll finish it, making a new render and offering 2 copters to chose from, this and a military one...
Myself, I think the console looks pretty real, and parts of it are in fact a photo... ![]()
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