something I'm working on, still a bit unsure about the name though
I hope I can finish it before losing interest lol
btw, is there any documentation on skinning the playlist? (I see it''s skinned in the latest beta)
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WOAH! Do It!
Download the latest beta and dig through the PSD for the Playlist to learn it all It's also in the layer refs http://xion.r2.com.au/index.php?page=layerref
Style and design - Awesome.
Scale - Lame. I can't see a damn thing on that 'LCD'. Have to squint and lean close to read it. That's usually a really bad thing. I shoot and ask questions later.
Take no offense of it.
looks good, similar thing as logokas said, I think there's too much going on in the middle tho, probably enough for 3 modes out of that lot
thanks for the feedback, guys
it is really cluttered in the middle now that I have a good look at it... I guess I could just scale everything up (still working with vectors at the moment, so just a matter of exporting it at a slightly higher resolution), but then I don't want the skin to wind up too big and take up half the screen On the other hand, I could rearrange the information and move some stuff into a drawer and still keeps the current size (which I kinda like) any thoughts?
the bottom ring section could be removed entirely imo, it doesn't look to serve any purpose, that would make it a bit smaller going forward
yea I was thinking of making an option to hide it... kinda useless XD
Actually I got side-tracked already lol, working on these at the moment ![]() I have a beta of the middle one available here if anyone's interested http://www.mediafire.com/?tqjnmlwnzzd as I was working on this, I noticed that the crossfade indicator and the repeat track indicator are behaving kinda strange, are they broken at the moment? or maybe I just don't really understand how they work <_< can anyone shed some light on this? thanks in advance
If you'll notice, the crossfade indicator is available in build 121, which hasn't been released yet ![]()
In what way is this not working? Since build 118 there are 2 keywords. indi_repeat and indi_repeattrack Cliff ![]()
![]() That was silly of me... -for the repeat indicator I'm on build 120 and when I have both repeatall and repeattrk in there, the repeatall won't hide itself even when repeat is off (it was fine when I only had repeat) you can see this happening in the skin I posted above
Ah I see, looks like you found a bug, I'll look into it and get a fix for 121, thanks! ![]()
awesome! thanks and you're welcome
![]() On a completely unrelated note, I use a mouse that has build-in buttons for play / pause / previous / next etc. but they don't seem to work with xion, is there anyway to enable it? maybe something I can change in the preference? any help would be greatly appreciated!
You can probably program them to do what you want in Xion Prefs > Global Hot Keys > Assign Key
Hey thanks winston, that worked.. wish I would've asked sooner lol
although I can only bind one set of keys (which means either keyboard or mouse for me, as I have media buttons on both) but I can live with that... hardly ever use the keyboard ones anyway
cerberux, you might have come across a possible bug, post this in the 120 beta thread so Cliff can pick it up to look at.
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