cerberux Wrote:for the repeat indicator I'm on build 120 and when I have both repeatall and repeattrk in there, the repeatall won't hide itself even when repeat is off (it was fine when I only had repeat)
Hi cerberux,
I found the reason why your repeatall layer doesn't hide correctly. It's because you named the layer "ind_repeatall" instead of "indi_repeatall" (You missed the i)
hmm, that gets me thinking of a possible plugin for ps, intellisense layernames or at least a script that could go through the layer names and highlight ones not matching patterns/regex
SLoB Wrote:hmm, that gets me thinking of a possible plugin for ps, intellisense layernames or at least a script that could go through the layer names and highlight ones not matching patterns/regex
I've thought about perhaps a utility that could do that, however I think it would display too many false positives to bother with. I mean layer names could contain anything, they don't need to just contain keywords.
I found the reason why your repeatall layer doesn't hide correctly. It's because you named the layer "ind_repeatall" instead of "indi_repeatall" (You missed the i Razz)
doh! can't believe I made a typo like that... thanks for pointing it out and sorry for the troubles
SLoB Wrote:hmm, that gets me thinking of a possible plugin for ps, intellisense layernames or at least a script that could go through the layer names and highlight ones not matching patterns/regex
I've thought about perhaps a utility that could do that, however I think it would display too many false positives to bother with. I mean layer names could contain anything, they don't need to just contain keywords.
Oh yea, the main thing would be to just list really and flag up any potential issues and to provide a list of layer names regardless of content, would be easier to spot any issues rather than looking at the PSD more than anything.
it could look for indi and anything with in, ind, ini etc.. kind of thing just to highlight potential issues as a pre final check or troubleshooting kind of script.