If you never played it, it's now available free from Rockstar.
I'm playing it now for the screenshots and inspiration, runs fine on xp and vista.

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I think the next couple of skins should be robots, so I'm thinking of using the robot tanks from an old favorite game, Rockstars' "Wild Metal Country".
If you never played it, it's now available free from Rockstar. I'm playing it now for the screenshots and inspiration, runs fine on xp and vista. ![]()
I loved that game when i was a kid. It's still fun to play sometimes. Really awkward control scheme and aiming though.
I'm not sure i understand what kind of an interface you can build in there, though.. I shoot and ask questions later.
Take no offense of it.
I went and got some new models, at Turbosquid, and so far I like ed 209 from robocop, and dreadnaught, from warhammer I think...
![]() ![]() both have plenty of room for controls, and I'll make the legs jettison on dreadnaught or discard them entirely as an option.Kind of like this maybe... ![]()
It;s almost done except for a nice bullet spray animation.I'm calling it dread17.
![]() You can see one set of optional VU Meters on his back. ![]() ![]() and it will be hard to resist animating the lights on top of its head... ![]() Edit: I wanted to create the muzzle flash animation without marring the model, so I made a new animation for the flash.Then I added the appropriate amount of blank frames to correspond to the time I want the gun to appear to be strafing.It works perfect, the animations synch so nice (even tho I hated the first muzzle flash anim and threw it away). Isn't Xion fun! ![]() I guess I'll have to pop in unrealed and get some weapons effects...
and a very satisfying muzzle flash animation, after I had to throw away about 3 or 4 more sets...
![]() ![]() ...now I just have to decide if I want to paint the player controls and readouts back onto the flying animations, which don't have any buttons, of course.Having said this, I 'spose I'll have to... and it really needs a primary weapon animation also... I should probably throw shell casings too, but I'd rather keep it cleaner.
thats it for now.Forget the primary weapon, the skin has alot of features.I doubled the size of the muzzle flash, and (of course) added optional light animations.I didn't "borrow" the weapon effects, I made them instead...
A historical footnote.
Two prototype drd17s' were eventually deployed in the Second Civil War on May 15, 2012, at a cost of 17.4 billion dollars each.One was destroyed in Michigan during the Battle for Makinac Island by taking advantage of a fatal design flaw.A thermite grenade was slipped into the core while the playlist was open. The second ran amok and massacered an unconfirmed 18,000 civilians taking refuge in Ralph Wilson Stadium in Buffalo,NY before being deactivated and parted out for use in the drd25. ![]() The Rules of Engagement were amended to treat anyone changing playlists as a non-combatant, but SUI technology upgrades have since addressed this weakness.
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