While I decide which models to mess w next I've been playing Halo and taking screenshots so I can get a Halo HUD skin started...
Maybe something small (in filesize) with real HUD elements, which is to say; skin elements widely seperated at the corners of the screen or top and bottom, (or even slide out panels) like a game HUD.
So there will be some small game skins and some HUDs or combinations.Here is the direction small Halo skin is going, I'm sure I'll change the environment map for the glass reflection... the slide out panel on this one will have a game art gallery, albumart, or vu meters, and there will be several different faceplates.
Edit: and in thinking about it for a few hours, I think a tabbed slide-in player that is offscreen except for the tab until you need it will fit nicely here, with the larger game skins.
...anyway, as you can see, this is a nice calm skin.It doesn't fly around or change colors or shoot things, hehe.
All I'll do is try to take some really nice Halo art shots...and fix the vis color...maybe also add the same environment map to the black panels that the center has...
... the sliders still look like crap, but it's coming along.(and believe it or not, the red and blue buttons top left are on the same line.Makes you want to chew tin foil...)
started the game art...still have to add more game art and change the two sliderbits to skewed transparent tabs like the rest of the skin.
Given the size of the center panel, the idea is to give a sense of the colors and environment lighting in halo, and not so much to be able to see details in that small area, although there is enough room to do a nice shot of a weapon in one.Probably my favorite in Halo, the sniper rifle.
And I'll make the slide in tab skin next,resembling Total Annihilation or Command and Conquer type of panels.Come to think of it, I still play Alpha Centauri, that interface offers alot of options...(I can hear that voice in my head, hehe, "Turn complete, Production complete").
hehe, I've always been fond of her, forgot her! I'll have to try to get a nice screenshot of her, who doesn't love a semi naked woman made of glowing numbers...
something like this would look killer cut in to sections for a TREBLE VU that would flicker to the music http://www.halo3actionfigures.com/wp-co ... figure.jpg and maybe in later xion builds could pop up an say hello when u press pause, and talk u through navigation over_playlist play_cortana"playlist".wav
ahhh come on cliff make our wildest dreams come true