Xion Audio Player

the scattering

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Postby xonenine » January 23rd, 2010, 3:47 am

xtend 2 strewn about, but coming together as an idea... :) The whole skin will get larger, rather than have a panel...

Last edited by xonenine on January 29th, 2010, 1:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby xonenine » January 23rd, 2010, 10:52 am

This could end up being one I like the most so far, 'cept now that I'm abandoning the panel, it is kinda large... :)The progress slider is different, at any rate. :)

It has a nice compact vis area, cool criss-crossing VU Meter Bar, 4 skins for the frame...
Just a couple more buttons.


heck, I even went out and poked through the ice for 30 nice fossils today.What can I say, my time has been very productive.I will go cut some more rocks or something, hehe.

Ah well, I already see the scattering II, it is much nicer...
I'd like to take that "buttons rippling the skins' glass" alot farther... :)
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Postby xonenine » January 29th, 2010, 1:37 am

the scattering II will have the same space ship style theme and display, with easy controls that rise up and enlarge to meet you...maybe with some more lcars influence.

the buttons effects will ripple the glass more, transitioning it to the display/visualizaion/menu requested. :)

and playing w this other skin...
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Postby xonenine » January 30th, 2010, 5:39 am

Last time I got started on x10d2, it turned into another skin.Not gonna happen this time I said... :)


It has my favorite animation so far, a dust storm with the sun flaring through the dust.I also plan on building a solar flare animation later to go w the various other modes on the panels.

Last edited by xonenine on March 3rd, 2010, 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby xonenine » February 3rd, 2010, 3:18 pm

Well, I like the scattering II:the plague much better so far, it is dark and dreary... :)

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Postby lewa » February 4th, 2010, 12:27 pm

Nice! Looks a bit winamp-y. Good, just too many...distracting details for me.

That 3d one up there is looking good though!
These forums are a little dead. You should come over to http://guistation.com - It's a great forum for interface design. Owned by the guy who made the new default xion skin.
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Postby xonenine » February 5th, 2010, 12:38 pm

Thanks lewa, I appreciate the feedback! I will check out GUI Station, just joined skin consortium as well, to learn a little cPro coding. :)


this is what I have so far for the scattering II, but I'll remove the vis and make a nice space vis w the particle emitters I'm playing with, 'fore the 30 day trial runs out, hehe.
Reworking case cover, it was too murky...there are other screens of course... :)The hairline volume and progress are very easy to grab w invisible areas...
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Postby xonenine » March 1st, 2010, 12:08 pm

I went another way w this and rusted it...have to work on it a little more, but it's really coming along.No shadows or glass yet, but there will be. :D

Imagine how much fun making the volume and progress for this one will be!

Really needs a dripping water indi_inactive or a steam animation, with these pipes, hehe.

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Postby xonenine » March 4th, 2010, 12:06 pm

Almost done, 'cept for the glass... :)

Edit:rebuilding 3 pipes on left. :roll:

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Postby xonenine » March 8th, 2010, 2:07 pm

Pipes are rebuilt, added album art panel..., added a stage light vis...the first one good enough to be a module in a permanent set of vis' I'm planning. :)

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