Xion Audio Player


Post your latest skin designs and receive feedback before you release

Postby xonenine » March 15th, 2010, 5:54 am

In the interest of making a few "normal" skins:
The real unit is an Alpine ixa-404.It looked too large, too dull, and too cluttered for what I wanted.Here is the original:


and my skin in progress:

The panels on screen will be sliding frame animations, (grabbable) presenting the album art, xtra controls, menu, vis.The knob is just a temp reference, I'll paint one. :)
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Xion Freak
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Postby xonenine » December 4th, 2010, 11:10 am

time to tear this one down and rebuild too, hehe, 'cept the new onscreen panels will also slide to present the playlist and EQ! :D
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Xion Freak
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