Help please with my first skin!!!!
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Hi. The attachment is my first skin. Can someone with more experience download it? I need some help. If i load this to xion i can see the screen layer and the bars are the not right. If anyone can help i will really appreciate. Any other help will be appreciated. Thank you very mush. Sorry for my English.
Surprised this went so long without a reply...
Xion does not support Photoshop's layer styles. You'll need to merge layers that have such effects with a blank layer.
Xion and the community have hit a low point of activity. Things were moving when betas were being rolled out almost weekly. Now it's all died down because there's still very little public knowledge about Xion, which is a pity, really.
I shoot and ask questions later.
Take no offense of it.
create a new layer the shape of your button and fill it with white, reduce the transparency down to 1% (think 0 still works) so it's pretty much invisible and merge this layer with the playlist button text layer. That way you create a solid button that has a bigger click-able surface area
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