Xion Audio Player

Xion is mistranslating some elements my file

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Postby RogersX » August 17th, 2010, 8:18 am

This is my first Xion Skin. I would just like to say thank you so much to Cliff Cawley. I always wanted to make a WinAmp Skin but never could due to being absolutely terrible with anything other than base HTML. I almost went hysterical when I first tested my player as it is the very first time my art has been used interactively other than simple websites! =P~

The player skin I made went off without a hitch. However the Playlist is giving me crap. It is miss-aligning the Close Button, a couple Sliders, two of the Player buttons and a couple of the Menu buttons. It was interesting, at first it was miss-aligning them to the left. Then I was doing some work, slightly adjusted all the graphics to be more centered in Photoshop and then it started miss-aligning them to the right. Not sure what the exact issue is since many things I have in there work fine for instance the three player buttons on the left... Any ideas?

Can't wait to finish this up and upload it as official sometime.

Link is at my deviant art account. I tried uploading through attachment but it failed and said 256k limit.

http://wightzombie.deviantart.com/art/X ... -175614326
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Postby RogersX » August 18th, 2010, 2:21 am

Never mind, I started playing with it today and fixed the issue.

Basically I thought, when the various buttons were miss-aligning to the left, I cropped my photoshop file and then they started miss-aligning to the right after that. So I went into photoshop, made the canvas size larger, moved all the graphics together to a new spot on the canvas, re-cropped the entire file and now everything is where it should be. Excellent!

It appears originally that my original cropping of my playlist somehow split hairs with Xion or something. Anyway, I'll leave the link above active so if anyone with technical expertise wants to look at the issue for fun they can do so.

I will continue testing the skin then finalize and upload it for good. Sorry the playlist isn't re-sizable. I just made it into something I like and find practical...
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