Xion Audio Player


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Postby xonenine » September 29th, 2010, 11:29 am

Still thinking the Elise is the way to go for nfsx2, with two other models the user can fully rotate.


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and the 2nd car...both cars rotations are lightmapped.It's almost finished now, 1 more car, 1 more VU Meter set, and a progress bar. :)


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Xion Freak
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Postby xonenine » October 2nd, 2010, 1:41 am

This will have to be the 3rd car... :)It would be simple enough to make the doors , hood etc. open, but that seems kinda done to death.Maybe another skin.


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Edit: Belay that [-X , 2 cars will do in each pack for now, cause I want the skin no more than around 5 mb.

Well, I released a 2 interface skin for now, but I've whittled it down to be a single interface, which is quite smaller in size but is still buggy... :)

nfsx3 will have 4 slightly smaller cars, (including the bugatti), and 1 interface. :)
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