Xion Audio Player

Peppermint a Transparent skin by Foxe

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Postby Foxe » January 8th, 2012, 9:03 pm

This is a skin I have been working on for a while, I feel like its almost done. Its a transparent player against a grey background, the buttons that are active light up white, and the hover color is a lighter white glow, It has a state indicator for the random mode, and both repeat modes. I would love some feedback. I also have a few questions maybe someone could help me with.

I designed an EQ for the player but I cant seem to get it to work any ideas?

After installing my skin the first time, it was all distorted. I fixed it by switching back to the default skin and sized the default skin down, I then turn my skin back on and realized that made a difference I did this a few times until my skin was correct, it seems fine now but was wondering did I do something incorrectly?

Is there any way to make the playlist background transparent?

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Postby logokas » January 23rd, 2012, 4:44 pm

This is a fairly good looking skin, and provided you can scale the playlist properly, it's looking at a nice four stars from me.

Making the playlist transparent should be as simple as just adjusting the opacity of that playlist layer.

A little colour into this would go a long way. Just a subtle amount.
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Postby Foxe » January 29th, 2012, 11:09 am

Thanks for the feedback.

I have tried very hard to make the playlist transparent and im having no success. Thinking about making the buttons a blue/green option but still working on things. Especially the scaling and EQ.
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Postby YourNumbr1Fan » April 25th, 2012, 8:14 am

Great work m8! Clean, minimal-but-not-too-minimal! Awesome looking! It'll have my vote!
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