Xion Audio Player

Perform multiple action_layer_show/hides/switch with 1 layer

Feature Requests and Ideas

Postby UnseenRage » January 10th, 2007, 5:37 am

Currently a skinner can only modify one id(x) with one layer
example: id(s) modify(x) action_layer_hide

what if I want to hide 3 or 4 ids at once
example: id(s) modify(x,y,z) action_layer_hide
example: id(s) modify(x,y,z) action_layer_show

or....what if I want to perform a toggle function
example: id(s) modify(x) action_layer_toggle
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Postby anemovatis » January 10th, 2007, 5:59 am

Give the same id to all the layers you want to modify at once.
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Postby SLoB » January 10th, 2007, 6:31 am

toggling things is fairly easy atm, not sure if Cliff is going to implement anything soon?

for this example we will toggle a custom vu

we already have our vu animation sets done with names, both with same id
animation id(vu1) animtype(3) direction(0)
animation id(vu1) animtype(4) direction(0)

create a new set with something like the following

animation animtype(0) id(togvu) paused
in this layer set create 5 new layers
the top layer will be a dummy layer (name = dummylayerdonothing) as this layer gets called from the animation type but we want to pause it
if you omit this top layer then the default is to play the animation on startup, which may/may not be your desired goal

the 2nd layer down name to modify(vu1) acanplay //this starts our animated vu (both of them)
the 3rd layer down name to modify(togvu) acanstop //this now stops the actual toggle animation set

4th layer down name to modify(vu1) acanstop //this stops our vu
5th layer down name to modify(togvu) acanstop //this again stops our toggle animation set

all that is needed to trigger the toggle is a button with name button_normal modify(togvu) acanplay tooltip(Toggle Vis) //this will trigger the toggle animation set

so nice and easy to create it, this works well, you could put in as many layers to play/stop as you wish inbetween the stop and play for the actual toggle to trigger multiple animation sets

same goes for the hide, just add/substitute the actual layers you want to trigger in between the stop and play of the toggle
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Postby UnseenRage » January 10th, 2007, 8:46 am

I will have to chew on that for a while but I see what you did....I think. Thanks.
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Postby SLoB » January 10th, 2007, 9:15 am

checkout that working in gbx, abducted, i would have put up a psd but its fairly basic and thought it didnt need it
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