Xion Audio Player

Heres a idea involving text

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Postby Halonut1 » October 12th, 2007, 5:11 pm

how about a command to make xion center the text? i dunno if its in it already and i havent figured it out or if it dont work but surely it would make things easier if you have short songs but a long track bar. it could be done like this

Track(fntcenter) or something to that sort

just a idea.
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Postby SLoB » October 12th, 2007, 7:10 pm

hmm, fa(x) Font Align. left, right, center 1.0.56

been in a while ;)
although what I think you mean is to center text regardless of fa if the song is short and text bar is long?
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Postby Halonut1 » October 12th, 2007, 7:35 pm

yeah..10 minutes after i posted this i was looking around the referance chart for a skin and bam..there it was..

I feel pwnt. :roll:
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