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Tips, Tricks and Techniques for creating amazing Xion skins

Postby Lance » April 10th, 2008, 10:13 pm

EDIT: By the way, could you please move this to a different location if it doesn't belong. I thought this was the most logical choice, but hey, could be wrong! :)

Hey peoples. Firstly, I do appologise if this is against any rules or anything, but I'm just trying to be helpful.

I've been designing GUI's for a few years now and have recently launched my own community website intended on teaching and discussing interface development. But all that is just fancy words, hehe. In it's purest sense, it's just a great place to hang out and post your work/recieve feedback and such. The atmosphere is super relaxed, no harsh rules or anything (a bit like here!).

There is also sections for PSD downloads, articles and tutorials, which are all still very young but will grow gradually.

Again, I'm really sorry if this just sounds like I'm plain advertising, that's not why I'm posting! :oops: I just feel that it would be great if a few skinners came along, it would trigger some inspiration amongst the "coded guis" section.

OK so the site is www.guistation.com. Thanks very much for reading and I guess I hope to see some of you there. Take care everyone.

Peace, Lance
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Postby Cliff Cawley » April 10th, 2008, 11:32 pm

I don't mind too much at all, and I think others would love to learn some new tips and tricks.

The only thing I ask, is that you perhaps send visitors this way so they too can experience Xion and perhaps submit some of their own skins too! ;)

Cliff :)
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Postby Lance » April 11th, 2008, 12:00 am

Oh that's already taken care of mate. We're already buzzing about Xion over there :) And I'll be sure to keep that flame burning bright :wink: I'm going to be posting a proper article about it soon to really get people interested.

Thanks by the way.

Peace, Lance
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Postby SLoB » April 11th, 2008, 12:39 am

looks cool Lance, will get on the forum soon, also checkout SC too ;)
we are currently switching forum versions over atm but peeps should deffo checkout the stuff we got going on :)
btw I'm the RGB guy ;) heheh
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Postby xonenine » April 11th, 2008, 12:46 am

I'll certainly peruse the site, thanks for mentioning it.
xonenine :)
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