Yea, I think there's a feature request for that somewhere buried in the vault Still, the above is a clean way that will work regardless (not too hacky?) and still save on either lots of psds or layer sets
I could be wrong here, but shouldn't moving the bars at the exact same time to exact same values simulate a change from white to black, creating a grayscale effect?
If so, there are some minor inaccuracies with this RGB system, which probably limit the colors in some way, but i still like the execution of it. Well done.
The rgb layers are set at 70% to begin with so they blend better (especially if using rgb layers on top of other layers), it's the idea there for people to pick up more than anything. Solid layers would work well if those rgb layers were underneath transparentish other layers and should produce the grayscale more so. A background colour could be added to change things, I've even added in a brightness layer on something I'm working on to add yet another depth. I found 65% transparency to begin with works for the majority of things, but adjust things to suit and it should still provide something better than using lots of coloured layers or lots of psds to achieve colour theming.
Remember to adjust your skin coloured layers (inc initial transparency) according to the effect you want to create. Could even start off with a base colour to change into some completely different colours, plus add effects to those colours too.
the skin i've been working on has an animation to shift through a color palette, but i'm bothered by the way that sort of animation impacts the filesize. your post got me thinking in another direction, so i whipped up a test skin to demo shifting colors with an animation (not using sliders.) this one animates during playback, but obviously animation could be triggered by anything. the bonus here for me is that a limited number of color layers can provide the illusion of many without increasing the filesize. doesn't really seem to make a difference on processor use.
Last edited by regener8ed on February 2nd, 2011, 2:13 am, edited 3 times in total.