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Play sound on button click?

PostPosted: July 10th, 2007, 7:48 pm
by I.R. Brainiac
Is it possible to have a sound assigned to a for start animation when a skin is first opened(before any music has begun)

or close,minimize...etc..? :shock:

PostPosted: July 10th, 2007, 8:40 pm
by SLoB
I can see where your coming from for this, its been a long outstanding discussion on the winamp forum, at one point we hacked around it using a browser window with an embedded flash movie that was triggered but that was cut down as a breach of security

i think for perhaps a more commercial player then this feature would have been added as one of the main features and altho i like the idea of having sounds for buttons and stuff we've all been accustomed to not having this

I dont think its worth adding imo even tho i would like the ability to add a sound to an event, i think these should be bound to the OS or not included at all
its possible that a new plugin could do this tho, trigger a specific sound on which button event

PostPosted: July 11th, 2007, 7:51 am
by I.R. Brainiac
mainly wanted a loading interface when the skin is launched or you open the main iris(if hidden)
Like the skins factory do if you launch their iris opening animations. :)

PostPosted: July 11th, 2007, 8:11 am
by SLoB
I reckon a configurable option in the core would be better if this ever gets looked at dev wise, things like sound on events have a novelty factor and soon grate ;) but I do love TSF stuff ;)

PostPosted: July 11th, 2007, 5:20 pm
by Cliff Cawley
It's on my list of things todo. Most likely it will support .wav, and possibly others, depends on the implementation I go with. You will basically include the .wav or other files inside the .xsf file and it will play it using a special layer name.

I'll look at adding it in an upcoming release.

Cliff :)

PostPosted: July 13th, 2007, 11:12 am
by I.R. Brainiac
using a special layer name sounds great. .wav's are big but still good enough...

I guess adding a text command to the appropriate layer(like toggle for an animation)
would be possible...but I'm no codemonkey so I wouldnt know how or how hard. :lol:

Cliff,you rock mister. :D