this little puppy had been hiding on page2
can you add this please asap
should be for each skin (as with settings.dat) but also for each sub skin within an xsf so that if a skin has 2 modes for example, each mode can have its own screen position
as pm convo, i did come up with a reason why make this designer oriented and also the xion way round it
the designer may want to keep a certain part of a skin in a certain place on the desktop, for example corner skins or sticks (for top/bottom or even vertical) whereby the skin designer has the screen coords in mind and would prefer the skin to be moved/saved positioned there
this could be done in the loadinterface with as you said something like saveposition or even a position(x,y) too
now the xion override, as this could also be a user bit of functionality then the ability to override the saveposition could be done with something like a checkbox such as "allow skin/subskin save position" as would probably be implemented anyways
whereby default for skin if toggled off then skin would not behave according to save position
and if toggled on then each skin/(subskin within a skin) would adhere to the saveposition
that way it can be both skin designer and user oriented for save position
dontreposition keyword is where our difference of functionality is as this currently does not fulfill the above but works on a different premise