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Untitled (working title: Controller)

PostPosted: October 18th, 2006, 4:44 pm
by pickle
Haven't come up with a name yet, but it looks like this:


It's not ready for release yet, & only works well with the latest beta (what with the no scrolling and all).

The idea was to make this a kind of simple DJ skin that people at parties (since I'm having one on Saturday) could use. That's why it's so big.

I'm primarily interested in performance - is it responsive & snappy on your system? It tended to bog mine down a bit at first, but it's stopped that for now. I was just curious if it was just my system or not.

Anyway - download it here:

PostPosted: October 18th, 2006, 4:59 pm
by Scarebear
I like it! Great concept and I think it would work well in the circumstances you described. I didn't notice any performance issues when testing the skin. My only comment would be on the title text. It becomes too dark at the bottom for my liking (when compared to the rest of the skin).

PostPosted: October 19th, 2006, 2:56 am
by crustlessmist
I would maybe make the outside of the buttons moveable instead of just the dropshadow. It took me a while to figure that out.. but Im slow. :( To improve performance you could also merge all your layers that are just for the background like the shadow effect and play background and such.

PostPosted: October 19th, 2006, 6:50 am
by skryingbreath
Large skin is laaaaaaarge.


PostPosted: October 21st, 2006, 10:00 am
by pickle
Ok, I've updated the skin - its pretty much ready for release I think. You can download a new version of it here: .

  • I've made a track background so it's easier to read on different desktops
  • added volume & playback controls, a playlist button, and a pause button (in the same place as the play).
  • I've also included the font I'm going to use.
  • The filesize is much smaller now.

I didn't make the button borders moveable, but the whole track background is moveable.


Let me know what you think!

PostPosted: October 21st, 2006, 5:23 pm
by crustlessmist
Looks great for parties or if you just need to change songs and are away from the computer for the most part. One thing I notice is that the volume and playback controls are harder to use than they should be... maybe setting the icons to passthrough is the problem? Other than that it looks great. :)

PostPosted: October 21st, 2006, 5:32 pm
by pickle
Ya, I noticed that. I've fixed it & if you download the link again, it'll be updated.


PostPosted: October 21st, 2006, 7:15 pm
by Scarebear
I love the skin. Much better now too. I'm also having trouble getting the volume and progress to work the way I'd expect them to.

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2006, 3:14 am
by pickle
Could that be the same problem ~crustlessmist mentioned above? If so, re-download it as I've updated the skin.

The volume goes up/down & the progress goes left/right.

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2006, 7:11 am
by Scarebear
I initially downloaded the skin after you said you'd reposted it. But to make sure I tried again just now. Same problem :(

If you click where the icon is in the progress area (same for the volume) nothing happens. I can't grab the background. If I click outside the area that the icon takes I can grab the sliders.

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2006, 7:22 am
by HyperCannon
This is a nice skin, I cant see anything wrong with it.

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2006, 9:10 am
by pickle
@Scarebear: Hmm, maybe my FTP client messed up. It's weird that no one else seems to be having the problem with the latest release. Maybe you have it cached.

Follow this link & you should get the latest version:

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2006, 7:40 pm
by Scarebear
That's much better :) Thanks for the new link. I love the skin :D