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PostPosted: December 10th, 2007, 1:12 pm
by Quore
Um, well, here's a new skin I decided to make out of boredom.
It's really simple and doesn't have any fancy buttons, just text because I think that looks better than the crappy buttons I was going to attempt.

I made it so the "buttons" won't be hard to hit because text sometimes alone is.
Anyways, here.

You can download here at my deviant art because I doubt it'll be put on the site.

PostPosted: December 10th, 2007, 8:09 pm
by SLoB
make sure you add a 1% transparent block behind the text so that the text becomes a rectangle, otherwise it is possible to click within the holes/gaps of the text and not trigger the button :)

PostPosted: December 11th, 2007, 5:28 am
by Quore
I took care of the text problem.

I just copied the background of where it would be and placed the text on the block.
Problem solved.

PostPosted: December 11th, 2007, 9:00 am
by SLoB
yes you can do it that way, but the more elegant way is to do as i proposed as it also allows the background colour to be changed or opacity reduced which allows for more control etc.

PostPosted: December 11th, 2007, 9:40 am
by Quore
Okay, well, I don't quite understand your way so I'll stick with my own. :P

PostPosted: December 11th, 2007, 10:36 pm
by SLoB
there are a few forum posts already re the block thing, also checkout the tips thread

basically a 1% transparent white block would catch all mouse presses which is behind the text that has holes, so text is not a 100% way of catching mouse presses depending on if the mouse cursor is in a gap within the text, by making the back block transparent you can put the text on any coloured background and it would just show the text

the way you have it now is that if you decided to change the colour or put some kind of colour/gradient/transparency on your background all the text blocks would have to change too, perhaps for the next skins then ;)