Xion 1.0 build 104 Beta Release

This is a Beta Build. That means it has fixes and features that are NEW. It is also possible it has bugs that are NEW! If you are looking for stability, please don't expect this build to be perfectly stable. It may have issues. If on the other hand you are happy to try this build out and post any bugs back in this thread, then please do!
Download Installer Version:
r2 Studios Server -> http://www.r2.com.au/downloads/files/beta/qa-xion_v1.0b104.exe
Xion Server -> http://xion.r2.com.au/download/beta/qa-xion_v1.0b104.exe
If you find bugs specifically related to this build, please post them here instead of the Bug reporting forum. Any feedback positive or negative should also go in here, no new threads. This way all feedback, etc related to this build will be in the one place.
Major change is switching from .Net 2003 runtimes, to 2005 along with fixes for pretty much all reported issues from build 103. One of the only things I haven't done yet is the ability to move the main window and have all the other windows that have been snapped on, move with it. I've also polished up the Playlist skin some more and removed the Task bar button.
Any questions or bugs related to this build should be posted here only!
This is a Beta Build. That means it has fixes and features that are NEW. It is also possible it has bugs that are NEW! If you are looking for stability, please don't expect this build to be perfectly stable. It may have issues. If on the other hand you are happy to try this build out and post any bugs back in this thread, then please do!
Download Installer Version:
r2 Studios Server -> http://www.r2.com.au/downloads/files/beta/qa-xion_v1.0b104.exe
Xion Server -> http://xion.r2.com.au/download/beta/qa-xion_v1.0b104.exe
- Converted Xion from VS.NET 2003 to VS 2005
- Fixed playlist loading the main skin when you clicked on a button that switched interfaces on the main skin
- Disabled Left/Right VU values when muted
- Fixed the Track Title Format Help so that it no longer selects the text by default
- Fixed the GUISlider not repositioning correctly when using the achors
- Added new types edget, edgeb, edgel, edger in order to assist with borders where you'd like to tile but have it resize. Modified the Default skin to now use this so that resize borders are smaller
- Fixed the pinned left/right/top/bottom layers so that they correctly center align (i.e. those with 2 anchors)
- Fixed the File type Explorer, Native Media Player and AutoPlay menu integration. Toggling now instantly activates/deactives these
- Moved the file type Play/Enqueue Explorer command registration for AudioFiles and Playlists into the Explorer Integration Registration so that you can disable in the FileTypes dialog
- Renamed Windows Explorer "Play in Xion" to "Play now in Xion"
- Renamed Windows Explorer "Enqueue in Xion" to "Add to Xion Playlist"
- Fixed bug where the Save states and other things weren't being properly saved when you launched Xion by double clicking an audio file. Now internally forces the Working Directory to be the same as the Xion.exe
- Added support for snapping windows to each other as you move them around
- Removed the Playlist task bar item
If you find bugs specifically related to this build, please post them here instead of the Bug reporting forum. Any feedback positive or negative should also go in here, no new threads. This way all feedback, etc related to this build will be in the one place.
Major change is switching from .Net 2003 runtimes, to 2005 along with fixes for pretty much all reported issues from build 103. One of the only things I haven't done yet is the ability to move the main window and have all the other windows that have been snapped on, move with it. I've also polished up the Playlist skin some more and removed the Task bar button.
Any questions or bugs related to this build should be posted here only!