Xion Audio Player

theTape Normal Revisited

Skinning Questions, Suggestions and Ideas

Postby cjc » June 13th, 2011, 5:22 pm

After 13 years of Winamp 2 i decided it was time for a change and looked for something newer with sexier skins. Boy did i find it here! I instantly fell in love with theTape_Normal skin but found that it had a few bugs and wasn't being updated. I decided to go ahead and fix them myself, here's what i changed...

- Wheels and cogs spinning anticlockwise, progress right to left
- STEREO, MUTE and RND checkboxes correctly show their state (not sure what to do with LOOP as it has 3 states)
- Allow toggle between elapsed and remaining time
- Wheels spin again after un-pause
- Pause button inactive when player is stopped
- Bottom-left screw = toggle equalizer
- Realistic handwriting font for track title
- Next button works and doesn't disappear when pressed

I don't wanna tread on anyone's toes, but the auther hasn't posted here in years so i've uploaded my update here:
http://members.chello.nl/e.aarssen/theT ... isited.xsf

This skin is really worthy of being kept alive and maybe we can do that on this thread so i welcome comments and suggestions. I plan to skin the playlist to look like a cassette inlay card but all my tapes are long gone so i have nothing to scan (any help?)

Cheers :)
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Postby logokas » June 16th, 2011, 12:24 pm

A good update!

I'm sure the author doesn't mind, or care for that matter.

You should upload it to the skin repository!
I shoot and ask questions later.

Take no offense of it.
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