Beta Builds of Xion. These are builds that are not quite ready for Release, but need feedback and bug submissions in order to move it to Release Status
WARNING: This is a Beta Build. That means it has fixes and features that are NEW. It is also possible it has bugs that are NEW! If you are looking for stability, please don't expect this build to be perfectly stable. It may have issues. If on the other hand you are happy to try this build out and post any bugs back in this thread, then please do!
Fixed layers not showing when organised within Layersets that weren't Animation sets
If you find bugs specifically related to this build, please post them here instead of the Bug reporting forum. Any feedback positive or negative should also go in here, no new threads. This way all feedback, etc related to this build will be in the one place.
This build is a hot fix for 110 that caused problems when some layers were organised into layersets that weren't animations.
I just managed to crash Xion via the resizing the playlist. This was after I added all anchor tags to the pl_list layer, The reason I added these anchors was in attempt to fix the bug I posted with these images:
Which it did not resolve but instead enabled the crash for me. But it was more of a freeze, the only way I could close Xion was to goto the Xion main window via alt-tab and alt-f4 out. Just so you guys know.
I am in suspicion to think that the area indicated by transparency in my playlist is a space left open for album art?
Or it is just simply not filling in those areas because I have transparency areas left in my playlist psd and are later filled by xion with the playlist and when scaled those areas increase in scale as well causing the rift as xion thinks that transparent area is part of the skin now.<---- yea its probably that one Illustration of what im talking about:
sorry for double post but I don't think its anything I said above (for the playlist issue im having), I've narrowed it down to me not having a scrollbar. But that doesn't explain why it's leaving the blank area on all different sides depending on how I resize the playlist window. It would explain it better if it only did it to the right side of my playlist. I'll continue my investigation into how and why it is performing like just gonna add a quicky scrollbar and see if that fixes it.
EDIT: OK upon even further investigation into this issue it seems its a combination of not having a scrollbar AND having transparent areas in the PSD...and it seems you cannot simply have the edges filling in the blank areas, you have to anchor them to everything you want them to cover say, bl to br tl to tr and etc etc etc. AND you have to have the scrollbar AND the back of the scrollbar anchor from tr to br or whatever side you put it on...(if you can?) So for my issue a simple addition of having the edge keyword act as automatically being anchored to whatever side you state say edgeb will auto-anchor itself to br and bl and auto-tile and etc. If this cannot be and the only way to do this is as it is, then I suggest adding some kind of notification of this...If i'm wrong simply correct me, this is just what i've experienced while playing with some odd possibilities in my own playlist.psd and from what I've seen in the (default)playlist.psd
This is the kind of feedback I was looking for 2 builds ago
Can you please send me your Interface in a form that it causes it to crash Xion?
I'd like to fix the crashes so that they don't occur. On taking a look at your skin I can also suggest how you'd better be able to use the functionality as it seems like there's a bit of confusion on your part.
Anchoring IS automatic, but only to the closest side. If you want to do something tricky then you need to manually let Xion know what else needs anchoring.
Have you checked out what the Default Playlist does?
Cliff Cawley Wrote:This is the kind of feedback I was looking for 2 builds ago
Can you please send me your Interface in a form that it causes it to crash Xion?
I'd like to fix the crashes so that they don't occur. On taking a look at your skin I can also suggest how you'd better be able to use the functionality as it seems like there's a bit of confusion on your part.
Anchoring IS automatic, but only to the closest side. If you want to do something tricky then you need to manually let Xion know what else needs anchoring.
Have you checked out what the Default Playlist does?
from what ive seen in the break in my skin is, it was an edge not filling all the way to the right side, it was simply stopping where a scrollbar WOULD be if there wasn't one, and this applied to all the edges, it only tiled to a point where something else might fill that space and only anchored to one side instead of the entire side all the way up and down. It would normally act this way if there wasn't a scrollbar but since there is one now, it doesn't break, So I guess there's really no problem you just have to have a notice to playlist skinners to: add these features in a way so that it is filled appropriately according to Xion, it is not a Xion problem. But as for the crashing it seems to be when you fill the playlist up enough with artifacts that it finally just gives up and skips for a little while, then when you close Xion it removes all the windows but when you refresh your desktop (at least for me) it removed my wallpaper and I had to change it off and then back again before I had it properly working. I'll send you the playlist I used when it crashed:
****This is repeatable**** And to help you look in the right direction it seems to be a playlist redraw problem, only on the part of the playlist where the pl_list would be, fill that area with as many artifacts as your refresh speed can handle and it freezes everything it seems that the way the playlist is being drawn is heavy on resources...
****When I resize my playlist and hold it in a position without having it crash, the CPU usage shoots up to 100% till I let go then it goes back down to 10% and this is with Firefox and Photoshop running, otherwise it goes from 4% to 100% only while resizing the playlist and nothing else.****
It was amazing to come home to that fast build. The Glare project and the new sdk and the way the albumart switches now are awesome, and those are only a few of the great new things!
I'm still missing the same layers, still can't crash the playlist.
Here's a typical layout that hides some buttons, in id(v2) and id(v3). The skin is x14, a smaller one I picked since it's easier to look through.So far all the missing elements for me seem to be groups of layers that include aclaswch
edit: thought I'd add one of the skins w/ the missing layers doesn't have any sliders at all, this one does.Nothing is grouped either, 'cept anims.
Ok I went to the URL and downloaded the file: PlaylistX.psd
I can't crash it with build 111 at all. I don't even get the holes that you had in your screenshot. There was even a scrollbar in that version. Did you upload the wrong version of the the psd?
xonenine Wrote:I'm still missing the same layers, still can't crash the playlist. Here's a typical layout that hides some buttons, in id(v2) and id(v3). The skin is x14, a smaller one I picked since it's easier to look through.So far all the missing elements for me seem to be groups of layers that include aclaswch
Ah! Found another bug related to the animation objects as sliders! Thanks for reporting this one xonenine, I've now also fixed this one!
Its only a bug when working with the layer switch keyword though, so its not as high priority. I think I'd like to get some more feedback first and make some other changes before releasing 112. Is that ok or will it be stopping you from progressing in your skins? Is anyone else using the layer switch keyword or is xonenine the only one?
The playlist I posted fixes the hole in the playlist, it was explained how I fixed it so if you want to reverse engineer back to the hole just simply fill the space where the scrollbar is (all layers and space it fills) on the pl_list layer. except for the part that goes below the currently filled space of the pl_list, that was put there to fill another hole that was left behind. But to help you crash Xion with the playlist, drag the playlist resize from the bottom right till its bigger than the original size, then let go and re-drag it over itself multiple times kinda fast: it'll fill the pl_list area with random stuff and eventually crash, time differs each time I do it.
Jikaru Wrote: drag the playlist resize from the bottom right till its bigger than the original size, then let go and re-drag it over itself multiple times kinda fast: it'll fill the pl_list area with random stuff and eventually crash, time differs each time I do it.
had the same problem here (XP System, Vista check later), but only when dragging fast and chaotic..
I can no longer use the hot buttons on my keyboard, even after attempting to configure the Hot Keys.
I'm not sure how it works with my keyboard, but Xion is trying to add CTRL+ ALT + [key], which is not what my keyboard sends. If there was an option to disable the auto-manipulation of my assigned keys I don't think this would be a problem. I just updated to this beta from the current release on the home page.
I believe my Global Hot Keys are not working because Xion is forcing it to use a key combination with CTRL + ALT, which my keyboard does not support.
I am able to use the keys on my keyboard after going into the Xion Configuration window and then immediately pressing the Close button. Anything I do after this point renders my key presses useless. If I click in this box, It not longer works. Same for my desktop. Even if I open up the Xion Configuration window it stops working.
Spotted a bug regarding sliderbits, just the regular old single layer ones. They are aligned correctly when you're not touching them, but when you click and drag them, the top of the sliderbit snaps to the bottom of the actual slider base, so the whole bit moves downwards on drag. This has just appeared in either 110 or 111, probably 110 seen as this is just a quickfix build.
Peace, Lance
I made the Xion Default skin. Ask me questions and stuff.